About Famlab

Famlab is the Norwegian branch of an international teaching and counseling organization based on the Danish family therapist and author Jesper Juul’s experiences and theories about relationships in families.

The organisation is now called Familylab Association, and has its seat in Switzerland.

You can read more about Familylab Association and our member countries on the webpage.

familylab association logo

Famlab’s VISION

Our vision is to help improve the emotional, mental and social well-being of today’s and tomorrow’s children and parents.

Family-lab International wishes:

  • to contribute to a society with less violence, abuse, addiction and neglect
  • to strengthen knowledge about the importance of healthy relationships without violence and abuse of either children, young people or adults
  • to inspire and mobilize existing goodwill, love and commitment in families, organizations and society as a whole
  • to influence how we think about families – and how we construct them
  • to support positive values ​​and behavior in professionals in kindergartens, nurseries and schools – to create optimal environments for mutual social, emotional, creative and professional learning

About Family-lab International

The vision of Family-lab International is twofold and ambitious:
Through seminars, workshops, symposiums, websites, books, articles and films for parents as well as professional educators we aim to improve the psycho-social health and wellbeing of today’s and tomorrow’s parents and children – i.e. the rich variety of families concerned with creating healthy relationships without violence and abuse of neither adults nor children and youth.

Through public education, dialogue, formulation of values and information about relevant scientific findings we want to influence not only the way men and women think about and construct families but also the values and behavior of professionals within nurseries, kindergartens and schools in order to create optimal environments for mutual social, emotional, creative and academic learning.
Our vision is families, institutions and societies with much less violence, abuse, addiction and neglect and to inspire and mobilize all existing good will, love and commitment within families, organizations as well as society at large.

Med venlig hilsen/Kind regards!

Jesper JuulJesper Juul, mpf

Jesper Juul says:

“I don’t believe in parenting education! I believe that it is not possible to become a father or mother on a course. This “education” can only take place in daily interaction with children and adult partners, and it is a lifelong process.

Today’s parents face a task that is historically unique: They must literally reinvent both the partnership between a man and a woman, and leadership in relation to children and young people, from the very beginning in relation to some completely new values ​​and goals, which are, among other things, about equality and a burning desire not to violate the integrity of children and young people.

We are witnessing much more than a generational change where the young want something new. Marriage is no more than a social or moral necessity, but an existential and emotional choice; we see new family forms and forms of togetherness: gender roles are being dissolved, and in the middle of it all we have to deal with children and young people who have gained a completely new status both in the family and in society. I have the greatest respect for the many parents who have the courage to admit their uncertainty and the energy to throw themselves into a development, which might otherwise take both the courage and the breath away from most.

I don’t believe in the concept a la “How to manage your teenager in five easy lessons,” but I think we can offer parents a lot of inspiration and guidance based on who they are, what they want with their family, and the current conflicts they are living with right now.

That is why I have chosen the name FamLab, which is not a school, but rather a laboratory where you can find, rediscover and experiment with your own way of developing your family.”

It applies to every family, that love is not enough to ensure the well-being and development of the members. We must learn to transfer our loving feelings into loving actions, and we must first of all learn that from and together with each other. FamLab offers a number of proven principles and values ​​that can form the common thread in the family’s life, but which must be woven together with the parents’ personal values ​​and goals to create a warm and meaningful whole for all family members.

FamLab seminars are held either for open groups where everyone can sign up, or for closed groups that the participants themselves can form with a group of friends, in a shared flat, with the company or an association. The seminar leaders are all experienced and skilled professionals who are continuously trained and guided by Jesper Juul and FamLab professional management.

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