PLS interviews
Here you can read interviews with participants in our PLS training.
In the interviews, they tell about their experiences with using the PLS regulation support model in school, nursery school, family and in guidance.

PLS Learning Culture Ladder
Leadership and Collaboration for resilience, secure functioning and authoritative leadership in the face of challenges.

Support for Foster Parents with the PLS regulation Support Model
Astrid has extensive experience as a foster parent and participated in Famlab’s PLS professional training because she has a strong commitment to foster children, foster families, and children and parents in general. She wanted to learn more about how she can better support children and parents both in her everyday life and in her role as a supervisor, coach and trainer.

Parent Coaching Training based on the PLS framework for Kanvas Kindergartens
A group of 15 kindergarten teachers from the Kanvas Kindergarten Foundation have completed a parent coaching training program based on the PLS regulation support model over 10 days with Hans Holter Solhjell. You can read about their experience and results here! Read more here.

Conflict Resolution and Organizational Development in School
Marit is a primary school principal and has participated in the PLS trainer training. In this interview, you can read about her experiences with the PLS regulation support model and developmentally supportive conflict resolution.