Jesper Juul
om PLS

by | Oct 23, 2021

Jesper Juul om PLS modellen

I mars 2017 besøkte jeg Jesper Juul i hans hjem i Odder, Danmark, hvor han bodde etter at han ble sittende i rullestol de siste årene av sitt liv.

Et av formålene med besøket var å presentere en av modellene jeg har utviklet for utviklingsstøttende kommunikasjon og konfliktløsning, PLS modellen.

Jesper var veldig positiv til modellen og skrev en anbefaling av den i sitt nyhetsbrev til FLA, Familylab Association i april 2017.

Her er anbefalingen han skrev. Fra Jesper Juul newsletter to FLA, 17.04.2017

“A short while ago Hans came to visit and work with me regarding his model (PLS) for conflict resolution, which for me is very valuable and comprehensive answer to the majority of parents and professionals, who like our values and principles but keep asking for a “method”.


Some of you have heard me say, “Don’t always give people what they want. Try to give them what they (did not know) that they need. When it comes to families as well as institutions this model combines the two.


I don’t have the tenacity, focus on details and patience which is so characteristic for Hans and I’m very happy (and slightly envious) of the preliminary conclusion of all his work, thinking, cross professional experience and commitment.


I’m trying to support his next step – presenting the model in the form of a book – and I hope all of you will take time in May to get more familiar with his work.”

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